
Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions, please e-mail us at frontdesk@boonebeginnings.com

What are your hours of operation?2022-07-18T18:13:22-05:00

The center’s hours are 7:30am- 5:30pm, Monday-Friday

Where is the center located?2022-07-18T18:13:35-05:00

Our address is 1385 South 6th Street, Albion, NE

What ages do you serve?2022-07-14T13:22:08-05:00

6 weeks through age 5

Are there forms that I will need to complete for enrollment?2022-07-14T13:22:47-05:00

Yes, the director will provide you with the forms needed at enrollment time

Do you take childcare subsidy?2022-07-14T13:24:47-05:00

Yes, we also offer tuition assistance

Do you take part time or drop in / occasional care?2022-07-14T13:26:36-05:00


When is a payment due?2022-07-18T18:14:26-05:00

Payment is due by Monday of the upcoming two weeks of attendance. Tuition is billed out biweekly and payments must be made through bank transfers

Do you charge for holidays when the center is closed?2022-07-14T13:27:29-05:00

Yes, as staff continue to be paid during these days off.

What is your policy on late pickups?2022-07-18T18:14:57-05:00

A fee of $1 per minute will be applied for every minute the child is not picked up after 5:30pm. The fee will be required to be paid before the child can return

What meals do you provide?2022-07-18T18:15:34-05:00

Breakfast, lunch and PM sack are offered on full days of attendance. If the center where to have a late start only lunch and PM snack will be served

What is your illness policy?2022-07-18T18:16:03-05:00

Children must be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours; have been treated with an antibiotic for 24 hours; or provide a physician’s note stating that the child is no longer contagious before they return. More details can be found in the Family Handbook

Is there a waiting list fee?2022-07-14T13:29:26-05:00

$50 per child

What are the qualifications for staff?2022-07-18T18:16:30-05:00

Boone Beginnings follows the Nebraska DHHS Handbook for childcare professionals hiring guidelines

Do you provide transportation from other programs within the community?2022-07-18T18:16:42-05:00

Currently transportation is the responsibility of the parent

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