Children’s Development
Of course, this is the primary goal and concern of Boone Beginnings. The nurturing of our children through age-specific programs intentionally designed for optimal cognitive, behavioral, and intellectual development and taught by compassionate and knowledgeable specialists in the field which in turn leads to…..
With proper care during a critical, influential time in their lives, these children will be better equipped to lead successful, fulfilling lives. They’ll be much more capable of succeeding in school and higher education, let alone their future careers and relationships. And many of these young minds will someday comprise much of Boone County’s workforce!
Aside from the obvious benefit, parents who enjoy peace of mind knowing that their children are in good hands are less distracted, and therefore more productive, at work. Also, with an early childhood development center in the community, parents who had previously opted to stay at home for lack of childcare will be able to rejoin the workforce.
Bridging these intellectual gaps will reduce the number of students requiring additional help, in turn reducing the need for supplemental educational programming. And cultivating healthy social and behavioral development will considerably reduce problematic demeanors and tendencies characteristic of children with behavioral issues.
For most adults, access to high-quality schools and childcare impacts where they decide to lay down permanent roots. We anticipate that, with several great high-quality childcare options, families will be more attracted to our community. We also anticipate that this will help considerably with population retention, as families already in our community will be more likely to stay.
Each of these key benefits not only increase the quality of life for residents in Boone County but also bolsters our local economy.
of human brain development happens before the age of five. Which means this is a critical time for children to receive proper academic, social, behavioral, and developmental nurturing. Without it, they could potentially battle long-term social, behavioral, and intellectual weaknesses.
of Boone County survey respondents identified lack of childcare in the area as a concern. Lack of childcare was a top concern among Boone County residents in our 2019 survey. If this need isn’t met, residents may consider moving elsewhere or leaving the workforce to stay at home with their children.
of Nebraskans strongly feel that most young children in our state are prepared to be successful in school by the time they start kindergarten. Not having the building blocks in place for a successful transition into formal education proves to be a concern statewide.
Meet Our Board Of Directors
I got involved with Boone Beginnings because we saw a need. The great people who worked and are continuing work on the project along with the staff and kids have been inspiring to me.